

Innovation Center Naming and Launch of Inaugural Remote Tourism Platform Program

Today, Kansai Innovation Center, together with MUFG and MUFG Bank, which are sponsors of us, announced the following press release.

Press release dated 11 December 2020
Innovation Center Naming and Launch of Inaugural Remote Tourism Platform Program
(Please download the document from “For details”.)

In addition, we are working with Fairy Devices Inc. (“Fairy Devices”) on our initial Problem-Solving Program, “Remote Tourism Platform”. They were introduced from Mitou Foundation which is a member of our partner and has access to influential startup network. In the business feasibility experiment, we use their wearable device “THINKLET®”.

Fairy Devices is focused on B to B business. They provide connected-worker solutions including wearables, edge AI and audio cloud platform. In the future, they aim to expand their business for consumers, as shown in the images video of the link below. We are functioning as a platform for speedily realizing their growth strategy.

THINKLET® image video

For details


Kansai Innovation Center contact

MUIC Kansai